College Football Teams Should Just Stop Scheduling Games Ahead of Time

data-mm-id=”_kgby13cz2″>The world has had to adapt during the coronavirus pandemic. People have had to reimagine the ways that just about everything is done. Whenever we get through this, many things will go back to normal, but one thing that we should definitely keep is the way college football teams schedule opponents during the pandemic. No more of this scheduling a home and home a decade from now. From here on out schools should be scrambling for opponents right up to the last minute. If that means a team doesn't play 10 or 12 or however many games that season, that's their own fault. Like with North Carolina this weekend. And last weekend. And Charlotte the week before.Mack Brown says UNC called 13-15 schools to try to get an opponent for this upcoming weekend. Couldn't find anyone. So, UNC will go three weeks between games.— Nicole Auerbach ? (@NicoleAuerbach) September 22, 2020If Athletic Directors and coaches want to earn the big bucks they need to be working their rolodexes and phone trees to find opponents. Earlier this month Baylor and Houston agreed on September 13 to meet on September 19 after both lost their original opponents to COVID outbreaks. Sure, that game was itself postponed, but this is the kind of aggressive matchmaking that is generally reserved for professional wrestling and college football needs to embrace it. Some fans have been rooting for their teams against the same nine opponents every year for a century now. This is the way to spice things up and rejuvenate the relationship. A nice little surprise in the form of a last-minute opponent scheduling. It's the equivalent of bringing home flowers. And if some of the lesser football schools go without an opponent for a week or three, that's just the new normal. College football is should be more like a ball in a period drama. The most eligible bachelors with the most wealth should have their pick of dance partners. Then the other teams can make matches of convenience. And then sometimes teams are stuck watching.

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